Interactive Workshop and Introduction to Bharatanatyam

Enjoy an introduction to the basics of Bharatanatyam and the technical aspects which make this dance form so vibrant in an interactive workshop led by Sheela Srinivasa, Director of Nritya Mihira Dance Academy.

Indian Music: A Guide to Its Features

An engaging introduction to the elements of Indian classical music, led by Dr. C.M. Venkatachalam. The lecture will address both melodic and rhythmic elements, as well as provide an overview of instruments commonly employed, and include a live demonstration of veena, an ancient instrument used in Indian music, led by Poornima Rao.

A Framework for Holistic Well-Being

Artly World Studio Office 3806 Cherrywood Rd, Austin, TX

Learn about Panchakoshiya Vikas, a 5-dimensional framework for holistic health and well-being, and how you can apply it in your life.

India’s Educational Heritage

Artly World Studio Office 3806 Cherrywood Rd, Austin, TX

A captivating discussion on the ecosystem of learning in ancient India, when students lived with their Gurus to learn a variety of arts.

The Ancient Art of Kolam

Artly World Studio Office 3806 Cherrywood Rd, Austin, TX

Learn the basic techniques of the ancient tradition of kolam art in a hands-on workshop led by Swathy Vasudevan.

Science Reveals a New Ancient Civilization

Artly World Studio Office 3806 Cherrywood Rd, Austin, TX

Explore the antiquity of the Indian civilization in an engaging lecture that challenges Western academic narratives and history textbooks.

Indian Traditional Music & Dance Showcase

Artly World Studio Office 3806 Cherrywood Rd, Austin, TX

A curated lineup of performances by local artists specializing in India's traditional music and dance forms.